“Wherever you are, wherever you go - I will be there. Trust me, I am your shadow. I know how to take care and protect. I will protect you for ever and ever.”
– Sri Kaleshwar
It’s not me who wrote the palm leave books. This information about the principles of the cosmic energy and the cosmic laws, how they play and implement in the creation, were already written down several thousands of years ago. I taught you the same information. But I gave you a short cut. In your lives, your mission is to bring this wisdom, this knowledge as it is. As it is! Don’t add any of your own masala.
To preserve the purity of his teachings Sri Kaleshwar founded the Kaleshwar Organization in Germany for spreading his teachings in Europe.
You are cordially invited to connect with us in meditation every day!
After registering for free, you will have access to a blog with all the necessary information.
o Daily Mantra Meditation for Protection Circles and Inner Peace o Weekly LIVE Online Bhajan Singing (Healing Music) via Zoom-Call
o Meditation Guidelines o Supportive Audio Files and Pictures for your Altar o Dial-In-Information for Online-Bhajans
Though a lot of craziness is around you, you are like a lotus leaf. You know the lotus leaf? Even though it is in the water – the water never touches the leaf.
You have to make your life like lotus leaf. The lotus is always staying in the water, in the mud, but water never touches the leaf. Ignore things. Take only the positive things and release out the negative things.
Be like a lotus leaf sitting, pulling in high vibrations of peace. This type of channel of peace – every person should increase it. It’s very important to pull high divine powers to yourself.
The Sri Chakra healing circle is a voluntary circle of spiritually practicing women in the lineage of Sri Kaleshwar. The circle works for people in acute emergencies – illness, separation, grief and other strokes of fate. It was founded during the Navaratri festival in October 2016. Since then, the healing circle has been sending distant healing to people in need on the new and full moon. Participation is free of charge.
The Fire Puja (Homa) tradition has its origins in the Vedic period, in ancient times. The people at that time knew about the cycles of nature and the unity of all being. The fire is energized through mantras, prayers and gifts and thus becomes a sacred fire that strengthens that which is good and true in us. All participants maintain a common focus for peace and healing. That makes this fire ceremony particularly powerful. Our fire pujas take place regularly every full and new moon.
In essence, fire pujas are a form of group meditation, a healing for society and our planet – pure cosmic energy is created and purifies the atmosphere.
One fire puja, one fire ceremony, when you are present, when your heart is open there, then the energy starts to flow in you. Its almost equal to a thousand healers, the most powerful healers giving energy to you.
This ancient knowledge system has been recorded in ancient plam leaf books, some of them 7000 years old. These are meditation processes and techniques, sacred formulas, to connect you to your soul and awaken your abilities.
“Spirituality means to know yourself – who you are and where you come from.”
Sri Kaleshwar
The ancient knowledge which was revealed by Sri Kaleshwar is being taught by well educated, trained and certified teachers in Europe. They teach as well as accompany you through your spiritual process so that you can connect with the purity of your soul – which empowers you to be who you really are.
Sri Kaleshwar trained many healers who can support you in your individual healing process.
“Healing is beyond the belief system. Even if you have a strong belief, you need to break that belief, go beyond it. Then it’s called real healing.”
Sri Kaleshwar
Inspired by the humanitarian projects of our master, Sri Kaleshwar, we continue this work now to assist our local communities here in Europe.
“Help ever. Hurt never.”
Sri Kaleshwar
Enjoy this beautiful slideshow with pictures of Sri Kaleshwars life.
This video gives an impression about Sri Kaleshwars Mission and his early teachings.
“Wherever you are, wherever you go - I will be there. Trust me, I am your shadow. I know how to take care and protect. I will protect you for ever and ever.”
– Sri Kaleshwar
This film shows impressions of Sri Kaleshwars early years, his work with the students and pictures of his Ashram in Penukonda.